About Ali Gali6

Hi my name is Ali. I love strong espresso, deadlifts & golf. My passion is helping people like you get strong while achieving hormonal balance and crushing their nutrition. All while keeping your post round beers!

I graduated from Springfield College with a degree in Applied Exercice Science where I played varsity soccer all 4 years. I am also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the NSCA, & a level 3 TPI certified golf fitness professional and power coach. I specialize in helping men and women reach their true potential in golf through fitness, nutrition and hormonal balance.

I want you to be able to play strong, look great naked & enjoy the hell out of life!

My Story

ali2Being a fitness professional & science geek I am constantly learning how to improve in all aspects of life. My true passion is understanding how I can help people feel amazing while maintaining balance in their lives pursuing all the activities they want to do. As much as we LOVE playing golf, lets face it- we want to look good doing it, too. And with that comes the need for adequate nutrition & hormonal balance. The optimal formula of each is different for everyone, and that is my job- to pursue the unique metabolic approach that is specific for you. This will give you the best chance of playing great, training strong, & looking athletic.

I grew up in the suburban town of Greenwich, CT and have never left. This area is a MECCA for golf, and I am surrounded by awesome people who have a passion to put as much in their lifestyles as they do their professional lives. I love snowboarding, lifting, playing golf (duh), coffee, dark chocolate, burnt vegetables & being a goofball